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Make a difference

We provide a framework and facilitate opportunities to:

Inspire the next generation

If you’re interested in introducing engineering and its career possibilities to young people, then get involved with the work of our education team.

You could support engineering challenges for schoolchildren such as our Faraday Challenge Days or FIRST® LEGO® League competition.

Then again, inspiring future generations doesn’t have to involve going into schools. You could, for instance, join our Awards and Prizes Committee and decide on winners who will go on to become ambassadors for the profession.

You could also become an assessor and review potential Fellowship applications.

Inform engineers and the public

Draw on your expertise to inform engineers, academics and employers - and help us to raise standards within the profession. You might, for example, advise engineers and technicians on achieving professional registration with the Engineering Council.

Or you could advise potential Fellows on how to make the best of their application. Alternatively, you could be a guest speaker on conference panels and roundtable discussions or even speaking to university students as a role model, sharing your technical knowledge with the engineering community.

Or if you’re keen to bring engineering and technology issues to public attention and change perceptions of the profession, we provide opportunities to become one of our media spokespeople.

Stephen Magora, CEng FIET

With a successful career developed from a lifelong passion of science and technology and a desire for professional recognition, Stephen Magora realised that becoming an IET Fellow was a great opportunity to advance his own goals and help others.

Originally inspired as a young child by watching an engineer on TV in Southern Africa, Stephen currently works as a managing director in data science for a global financial services company. Managing teams across three different time zones is no easy challenge and having IET Fellowship has helped Stephen validate his professional skills and knowledge.

FIET is a prestigious and highly respected professional membership grade that recognises an individual's achievements and contributions to the engineering and technology profession. I wanted this in order to enhance my professional credibility and reputation”.

This recognition is important to Stephen as it is the culmination of a lifetime of wanting to solve problems and make a difference. “Fellowship means the world and I feel a sense of prestige and demonstratable achievement among my peers” he said. Now he is turning his talents to supporting the next generation of engineers, working with young people and aiming to inspire them into a career in engineering and technology.

Michael Logan, FIET

During his career as an engineer, Michael Logan has worked alongside some of the best in the industry, many of which have been IET Fellows.

“They had both excellent knowledge and skills, but importantly for me, were also approachable and generous with their support,” he says.

Having always been interested in solving technical problems, Michael welcomed the opportunity to get involved in situations where his ideas can contribute to a working solution, even when it comes to people!

“The recognition of my skills and experience that comes with an IET Fellowship is great, however one aspect I have really enjoyed is being contacted by engineers for advice on the IET, on how to become a Chartered Engineer and even for general engineering queries,” he says.

“For me, being a Fellow provides me with additional opportunities to give back to the engineering community through technical support, mentoring and career advice. Knowing that I am helping the next generation of engineers, and maybe even motivating them to become Fellows in the future is very satisfying.”

Discover what Fellowship can do for you